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Poor Old Drogba

Is Didier Drogba serious?

We’re hearing the Chelsea ‘striker’ has turned down a new deal because it ‘won’t pay his bills’.  He has to be having a laugh right?

I mean, getting offered a new deal at 33 – and let’s be honest, not exactly at his best – you’d have thought he’d have taken Chelsea’s hand off.  Irrespective of his form, he still seems to get himself ahead of Torres on the team sheet, he’s offered a one year extension to his current deal and (which runs out at the end of this season) and he turns his nose up at it.

You’d like to think it’s just the usual press nonsense but his agent is quoted as saying “He’s had the offer of a one-year extension from Chelsea, but that does not suit us. At his age, he has nothing left to prove as a player.  Once you are well into your thirties, you have to go to a club where you can be certain you’ll be able to pay your bills.”

Not too modest to make it clear the Ivorian is only in it for the money from here on in though, Seydi goes on “Milan came in for Didier, but I said no straight away. Their offer, for a loan with an option to buy, did not interest us.  He will go where he is offered the most money. It could be the United States, Qatar, Russia or somewhere in Asia. He’ll go wherever he feels good from a financial point of view.”

Laughable really.



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