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John Terry Talking Tough Ahead Of Blackburn ‘Scrap’

The row over tough tackling in the Premier League seems to be rumbling on with everyone wanting to have their say and today sees John Terry put his two-pence worth in.

It goes without saying Wenger’s had plenty to say on the subject, with him always willing to voice his concerns if it means protecting his delicate little flowers from getting their petals ruffled. Blackburn’s Sam Allardyce, on the other hand, argues that the Arsenal manager uses this argument in the media to make sure the officials don’t let opposition players within touching distance of his players – and let’s face it, most of us probably agree with Big Sam there.

More recently, Fulham’s Danny Murphy has thrown the suggestion into the debate that some managers lie at the heart of this for deliberately sending their players out a bit too keyed up, pointing to clubs like Stoke, Blackburn and Wolves. Needless to say that didn’t go down too well and I’m not so sure Murphy would still make the same comments if he was a manager having to send his players out against the Arsenal’s, Chelsea’s and Man United’s of the Premier League with no more than a ‘tally ho lads’ for motivation.

Anyway, with his Chelsea side having already faced Stoke and Wolves so far, with Blackburn to come at the weekend, John Terry – never one to shy away from a challenge – has dismissed Danny Murphy’s comments, insisting Chelsea should go to Ewood Park “prepared for a scrap”.

The Chelsea captain says “What has been said about teams like Blackburn, Wolves and Stoke is very unfair. We can’t expect to go to Ewood Park and pick up three points just because we’re Chelsea Football Club. First and foremost we’ve got to go there and have a fight with them. We have to be prepared for a scrap.”

Could he regret saying it if he finds himself on the wrong end of a Blackburn boot though?



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