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Will Joe Cole Fully Commit To Liverpool?

I don’t want to do the whole ‘Joe Cole is a w*****’ thing here, I mean, I cannot believe he actually signed for the dippers and I might sick in my mouth a bit when I see him wearing that piece of tat on his back but he was a real favourite of mine so I’ll rise above slating him.

Actually, sod it, what the f*** is he doing at that club?

One of the reasons, in fact probably the main reason I loved Joe Cole, was because I genuinely believed he was an honest player. In a world where it seems like probably the majority of players are full of shit and would sell their souls for the next big payday, I always believed Joe Cole when he insisted it ‘wasn’t about the money’ for him.

It was about the football, it was about Chelsea FC, I mean he more or less would’ve played just for the shirt on his back wouldn’t he? Except despite stating time and again that he wasn’t interested in the money and just wanted to play for Chelsea, when it’s come down to it – he’s gone where he was offered the money.

He certainly hasn’t gone there for Champions League football or to win things because neither of those are on Liverpool’s agenda. So what else could his motives be? Well, if Carragher’s comments are anything to go by, he’ll certainly be regarded as a big player there, with the Liverpool mouthpiece player stating “It is a message that Liverpool mean business. We have signed a top international player who has been really important for Chelsea.”

So if it’s credit he wants, then he’s already getting it off his new team-mates, despite how much dross it is because actually, the reality is that no matter how good some people believe Joe Cole to be (and I’m amongst that particular category of individuals), what Liverpool have actually signed, is a player who couldn’t get regular football with the Premier League champions or his international side, so as usual, Carragher is talking out of his rear-end.

Not only that, but they’re paying him £90,000 a week for the privilege, which is more than any of the top Premier League clubs were prepared to shell out for him. So if the dippers are deluding themselves into imagining Joe Cole’s signing somehow means ‘this is their year’, then like the managers’ Joe Cole has played under, they might be in for a bit of frustration.

I wonder if he’ll fully commit himself with a dippers sweatband though? 🙂



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