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Tevez On Fisticuffs, Losing Limbs & His Sainthood

It’s a good job Carlos Tevez has such a high moral code eh? Otherwise we’d be suggesting he’s a bit of a hypocrite.

Obviously we know the Citeh man (formerly United remember?) knows all about trust and loyalty, it’s not as if he’s the sort of player who would declare his love for anyone then turn around and take the piss out of them months later is it? So, I suppose it’s understandable he feels justified in his anger towards John Terry really. I mean, the Argie midget’s been playing with Bridge a few months now and obviously they’ve built up such a deep and meaningful friendship during that time, Tevez feels duty bound as a founder member of ‘Team Bridge’ to lose his head over the whole thing.

Not that he’s a hothead or anything because his moral code wouldn’t allow him to disrespect a fellow professional, say for example, by calling them boot-lickers or anything. Nope, because if we thought Tevez squaring up to JT last weekend was anything personal, we were very much mistaken as he insists “I didn’t fight with Terry because of that. I fought with him because he took me by the shirt and I didn’t like it. I became furious with him because of that.”

The genteel Citeh man does add though “It’s complicated to say something about what Terry did to Bridge. I don’t think you can do that with the wife of another player. It’s wrong. In my opinion, Terry has no moral code for what he did to Bridge. In my neighbourhood if you do that, you lose your legs, or more – you don’t survive.”

Still, it’s a good job he’d never speak in way that could be regarded as disrespectful to a fellow player isn’t it? Obviously he isn’t insinuating anyone should be losing their leg’s here after all, just like he wouldn’t call player’s morons for undervaluing him.

Again though, he shows he’d never let football matters become personal – and obviously isn’t accusing our players of it either when he says “I have always had problems with Ballack but, you know, it is just football, not personal issues between us. I don’t know, maybe he doesn’t like me, as I don’t like him. On the field, I have never understood what he is saying to me, but I am sure he didn’t understand me either.”

Hardly surprising he’d have trouble understanding a German when he’s been in England four years and apparently hasn’t learnt English yet. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t quite come across as saintly as he’d like to eh?



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