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Champions League: Does Jose Really Think We’re Weak?

It might be 2½ years since Mourinho was winding up all and sundry in the Premier League but apparently his spell of management in the less competitive Italian league hasn’t quietened him down any.

Of course, we’re well used to his attempts at mind games, he tried to use them to our advantage often enough in the past. I suppose it’s just easier to see how tedious it is for the opposition now that that’s what he is.

Anyway, his latest attempt at verbal sparring in the press hears Mourinho suggest we’re just not particularly strong, saying “The Premier League is never easy – every game normally is difficult. But when a team is strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, it doesn’t lose so many matches, so many points.” Which seems a bit rich seeing as Inter have dropped 20 points in 25 Serie A games.

Still, despite his repeated attempts to wind us up ahead of tomorrow night’s game, Mourinho hopes our players won’t get any extra satisfaction out of a result against him, saying “If a Chelsea player is happier to beat me than to beat another manager I will be very sad. I just don’t understand that. I can’t think there would be any special pleasure from that. Just as if I am happier to beat them than to beat another team, then I think they have a reason to be very unhappy with me. We’re all professionals. I want to win, they want to win. Somebody will win, somebody will lose – this we know, this we accept. But there should be nothing more.”

Personally, I hope we kick Inter’s arse and love every minute of it!



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