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The John Terry Affair: This Isn’t About Football, Right?

Up til now, whilst TheChelseaBlog has dipped its toe into the John Terry saga, looking at the impact on his England captaincy and the embarrassing show of support for the real victim from ‘Team Bridge’, it’s pretty much shied away from looking at the man himself and the impact his actions have had on Chelsea FC. Of course I’ve talked about it on various football forums, but that’s fairly safe really because whilst not all of us share the same views, it’ll at least be a Chelsea community where you all share a common goal.

Opening an opinion up for general consumption is a whole different ball game though.  Quite apart from having the opposition seize on any apparent show of ‘disloyalty’ (and ultimately using it against us), personal opinion is irrelevant anyway surely? God knows I’ve been told enough times over the past few days that whatever John Terry does in his private life is exactly that – private. It’s got nothing to do with football and doesn’t in any way detract from his contribution to CFC, right?

Oh no wait……because  as a direct result of his sex life (or at least the publicity it’s created), John Terry could well be forced to take some time out from being our leader and legend, and spend some time being the sniveling, groveling, remorseful husband instead. Yes, with his wife Toni being forced to flee to Dubai (how awful for her by the way) to nurse her broken heart, Terry is apparently being given compassionate leave to try and patch up his marriage.

Carlo Ancelotti appeared to confirm that last night, stating “If he needs a holiday I will give him a holiday. If he doesn’t need a holiday then he will play against Cardiff.” So, given that missing a game for us – and an FA Cup game at that – means John Terry’s inability to keep his dick in his trousers is now having a direct impact on his availability for his club, I think its fair to say he has royally f***ed up this time. (Oh and just for the record, I think his private life stopped being private and started being about football when he chose a team-mates bird for his extra-marital exploits anyway).

So whilst his team-mates (hopefully) work their arses off, working towards retaining the FA Cup, their captain and leader won’t be around – as a direct consequence of his sordid affair – and I’m assured this is nothing to do with football. Please! We hear booing resounding around every pitch we play on the minute our captain so much as breathes near the ball, we have opposition players turning up in game-show style t-shirts and for an FA Cup game at least, our captain is given leave to spend Valentine’s Day with the wife and kids he’s so woefully disrespected. Seriously John, get a f***ing grip.

Personally I think seeing as Toni seems to have coped pretty well with his misdemeanours in the past, he’d be better served saving his explanations and apologies for Wayne Bridge but as it keeps being pointed out to me – this is none of my business because it really isn’t about football!



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