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Boo-Boys No Bother For Drogba

Didier Drogba appears to have a bit of a sense of humour – or at least I assume he’s joking when he insists he’s no diver.

Having spent about 50% of his last Premier League game rather more attached to the turf than even the majority of the home crowd would have liked to see him, our vertically challenged striker says “I think the Chelsea fans appreciate what I do for the team, which is the most important thing.  I always work hard for my team-mates. Other fans? Well, it’s their job to dislike opposition players, isn’t it? Being booed is no problem.  I’m a target for my team-mates, getting the ball and setting up attacks – and scoring goals. Defenders also see me as a target because of this.  When you play the game at great speed, it requires very little contact to put you off balance. And I’m never afraid to put my body in the way for my team, up front or in defence. People forget that I defend well, too!”

Mind you, if any of them ‘other fans’ are hoping to see the back of him any time soon, it seems they’re out of luck because as another player who’s committed himself to a new deal this season, Drogba says “I’ve been through a lot – different coaches have different methods and, sometimes, that wasn’t the best for me.  But I’m enjoying my football. This club is my home, the team is my family. I want to stay here for a long time.”

Let’s hope he stands by his word eh?



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