It was only a few days ago I was saying I’d always considered Claude Makelele to be an honest player. So, when he’d come out in his autobiography and told us all how Jose Mourinho had “ruined everything” at Chelsea, I didn’t see any need to question it.
His latest revelations though, on the eve of today’s FA Cup final, make me feel a bit awkward. You see, whilst it was ok for me to accept his comments about Mourinho – because I’m one of the few who’s over our former boss – his latest comments are about the current Chelsea captain. In his autobiography, published in France yesterday, Makelele suggests Jose Mourinho was indeed forced out of Chelsea because of John Terry.
At the time of Mourinho’s departure, the row between Mourinho and Terry over the Chelsea captain’s fitness was well publicised. However, any suggestions that this led directly to Mourinho’s departure have always been denied. Makelele’s version though claims the row ended with Terry demanding a transfer before the Champions League game against Rosenborg on September 18, 2007. The former Chelsea midfielder suggests “I thought Mourinho was practically untouchable, but a lot of players had complained about him, notably John Terry. When John Terry let his discontent be known to (Peter) Kenyon and asked him for an immediate transfer, (Roman) Abramovich reacted immediately: the departure of Terry was totally unimaginable, from the point of view of the supporters, the players or the club owners. Mourinho was asked to pack his bags.”
Mourinho, as we know, left the next day.
So why does that make me feel awkward? Well, because as I’ve said before, I’ve always regarded Makelele as one of our more honest players…